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solar panel installers colchester essex
solar panel installers colchester essex
solar panel installers colchester essex

With energy costs rising and carbon emmissions at the forefront of Politician's agendas, solar power is once again on everyones radar. But is it really worth it?


In short, solar panels are worth it if you generate enough electricity and get your sums right. Solar panels absorb the sun’s energy to generate electricity for free, which can help reduce your electricity bills significantly. In addition, variables like solar panel grants, such as the Smart Export Guarantee, can further increase your savings and help you break even faster.

Consider all of these factors to find what kind of investment will see the quickest gains:

  • Your home’s electricity needs

  • Size of the solar PV system

  • Financial incentive schemes

In the end, though, no matter the situation, solar energy in the UK is typically worth it and the best solar panel installers in Colchester Essex are here to help you. Monetary benefits aside, any solar panels are worth it for protecting the environment and reducing your carbon footprint.

​On average, more than 4,000 solar panels are installed in the UK each month. The growing popularity of solar panels means that the prices have gone down by 60% over the past decade and our panel of solar panel installers in Colchester Essex will ensure you get the best price.


The prices of solar panels have steadily decreased over the last years, as new technologies have been discovered to make solar energy components more cost-efficient. On top of that, solar panels do not merely help to reduce your energy bills, but they can also help you earn money from surplus electricity generated.


The UK government announced that the VAT on energy efficient measures will be scrapped starting April 2022.

solar panel installers essex
solar panel installers colchester essex

So, the 3 key benefits of solar panels are:

  • Electricity all year round - Solar panels generate clean, emission-free electricity to power your home all year round, while their long life span of more than 25 years makes them a long-term good investment.

  • Increase the market value of your property & earn money from solar grants - Selling surplus electricity generated by your solar panels is another advantage that solar panels offer. You will not simply earn money from SEG, but also increase the market value of your house. 

  • Reduce your carbon footprint - A solar-powered home reduces the carbon footprint and helps to eliminate domestic harmful emissions.

Let's take a 4kW solar panel system as an average PV system in a UK home.

It has an output of 3,400 kWh per year and costs around £6,000. If you compare this to the average annual electricity consumption of a household, which is around 3,200-4,100 kWh, solar panels can cover 83-106% of your electricity demand in perfect conditions. However, this depends on sunshine hours and energy usage. In addition, with incentives like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you can even earn money for surplus energy exported back to the grid!

So, even if it requires a significant amount upfront, investing in solar energy can have a great return in the long run. If you want an estimate of the potential savings speak to one of our qualified Colchester Essex solar panel installers.

Solar panels are very efficient in the UK. Although the efficiency of solar panels is higher on sunny days, they do not need direct sunlight to work. Solar panels can also produce a considerable amount of electricity on cloudy days and during the winter season. In fact, solar panels are more suited to cooler temperatures. Solar panels can overheat in countries with very warm weather. Therefore, UK weather is most of the year ideal for the efficiency of the product.

A typical commercial solar module has an efficiency rating of 15-20%. One important challenge of the PV industry is to improve the module efficiency, and at the same time, keep down the cost per cell. Naturally, there are many factors that can affect the efficiency of your system, from the type of solar panel to angling, and seasonality. There's a common misconception that solar panels don't work well in the winter. However, solar panels can be effective even in the winter if you prepare and maintain them properly.

Location, Angle & Direction - Is the PV system located and angled so that solar cells can capture the maximum amount of sunlight? In the UK, you want to ensure that your solar panels are exposed to sunlight from 9 am to 3 pm. 

Assessing your roof’s suitability to withstand solar panels is a crucial step in determining the efficiency of the system. The orientation and angle of your roof have a lot to do with how much sunlight exposure your panels will get. 

Roof Suitability - When considering solar panels for your roof, it is important to take into consideration whether the roof is strong enough to support the weight of the solar system. For example, a 4kW system normally has 16 panels of 250W, adding up to a total weight of approximately 280kg. Nowadays, most materials are suitable to hold solar panels — it’s only slate and wooden roofs that may be too brittle. 

Size Of The Solar Panel System - Solar cells come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. The bigger the solar panel system, the more electricity is generated. After having calculated your electricity needs, you’ll get a better idea of what size panel you need. Monocrystalline panels are known to be the most efficient type of solar panel on the market, meaning you will require fewer panels (and therefore less roof space) to generate as much electricity as a polycrystalline system would.

Regular & Proper Maintenance - It’s important to carry out the right solar panel maintenance in order to maximise the lifespan of your system. Fortunately, solar panels do not require much maintenance throughout their lifespan of 25-30 years. Get your panels checked regularly by your solar panel installer in Colchester Essex . If you do this yourself, you may void your warranty in case you damage your panels in the process.

  • solar panel installers colchester
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